H1C Visa

My brother an experienced registered nurse from Iran, getting his p.H.D. in business administration in Malaysia is interested in migrating to the U.S.A. I came across the H1C visa and your firm, I would like to get some info and if it is possible get the case going.

Unfortunately, the H1C visa classification expired on December 20, 2009 and has not been renewed by Congress. We expect this category to be extended but in the meantime, your brother may be able to obtain an H1B visa as a nurse if he is able to work as a specialty nurse or in an administrative capacity.

H1B Visa vs. H1C Visa for Nurses

I am foreign educated Registered Nurse. I have obtained nursing license for RN from Arkansas State Board of Nursing. Due to my F1 visa status I am not able to get RN jobs in the USA. At present I stay in Little Rock, AR and looking for a job as RN. I come to know about your law firm and having hope to get Nursing job through H1C visa. I would like to apply for that. Thus, Will you help me to change my visa status from F1 to H1C? If so, what are the processes and criterias?

Very few hospitals qualify to sponsor a foreign nurse for an H1C visa. In fact, I am only aware of 14 such hospitals which are listed on our web site here. Hospitals not on the list may apply through the DOL for H1C certification so they may sponsor H1C visas but they must meet stringent requirements. We encourage foreign nurses to apply through the H1B program rather than the H1C program if they cannot find H1C sponsorship from one of the 14 hospitals on our web site. A nurse may obtain an H1B for certain specialty or supervisory nursing positions such as a clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse practitioner. The applicant must also hold a BSN, other Bachelor’s degree or equivalent if applying as a nurse manager or administrator.