H1B Husband Doesn’t Want H4 Wife to Take Kids to India

I am H1B working fulltime for one IT company. I have two kids One Daughter (7th Grade) and Son(Kindergarden).My wife wants to go back to india along with kids for which I am not interested due to career growth of my elder child. my question, Can I stop legally my kids go back to india. I am not bothered about my wife. Let her go toinida.

This isn’t really an immigration issue, it is more of a family law issue. In order to prevent your wife from taking the kids to India, assuming you are located in Illinois, you’ll need to petition the Circuit Court for custody of the children. Then you will have authority over where they will reside.

H1B Visa and H4 Visa Extension

Is my H4 extended automatically when my husband extended his H1B? I’m worried because he got a new I-94 card when he extended his H1B but I haven’t gotten anything.

An H4 visa status application may be filed concurrently with an H1B status application but they remain separate applications. If you did not file your own application then you will not receive a new I-94 card and are out of status and are accruing unlawful presence from the time your I-94 card expired. In some cases, USCIS will accept an untimely filed H4 visa status extension application but it can be difficult. We have been able to obtain approvals in these types of cases and some cases where the applicant was out of status for two years. However, it is important to have a good immigration history which means no previous immigration violations as well as no criminal history and generally have a record of good moral character.