22 CFR 41.122(c)(2)

22 CFR 41.122(c)(2) is a specific provision within the US Department of State regulations that outlines criteria for visa issuance decisions, particularly addressing circumstances under which a visa may be denied.

22 CFR 41.122(c)(2) gives consular officers discretionary authority when a visa applicant’s file raises concerns regarding eligibility. It also gives consular officers discretionary power to cancel or revoke a visa when conditions that initially justified its issuance are later found to be unmet or compromised. This provision allows officers to act when new information or evidence indicates that the visa holder may have provided fraudulent information, misrepresented facts, or otherwise no longer qualifies under the terms of the visa category.

While the regulation provides the authority to cancel or revoke a visa, in many cases the individual is given notice or an opportunity to address the concerns before the final decision is made—though this may vary depending on the situation.

Our law firm has successfully helped individuals fight visa cancellation or revocation issues and regain legal immigration status. Every case is unique, and we can help determine the best strategy for you.

Call us today at 305-515-0613 or email info@messersmithlaw.com for immediate assistance. Let us help you navigate your immigration challenges and fight for your future in the United States.