INA 212(a)(7)(A)(i)(I) Expedited Removal Successful Case: Overcoming a 5-Year Entry Bar

Our client, a successful businessman from the UK, faced a significant hurdle when he was refused entry to the U.S. and barred for five years. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) believed he had failed to properly disclose a misdemeanor from 25 years ago that had been expunged. Despite having traveled to the U.S. numerous times for business and pleasure without any issues, this incident resulted in a directive from the CBP to apply for a different visa after the five-year period to conduct business in the U.S.

Understanding the urgency and importance of frequent travel to the U.S. for his business, he reached out to us for assistance.

We promptly engaged with CBP in an effort to remove the five-year bar. After persistent efforts and coordination with two different CBP offices, we successfully had the bar lifted. Subsequently, we assisted the client in obtaining an L1 visa, which we determined to be more suitable for his business needs.

If you are facing a similar situation and need our help, please contact us at 305-515-0613 or We are here to assist you.