
The USA Immigration Blog is managed by Peter Messersmith, the President of The Messersmith Law Firm, P.A.  Peter Messersmith is an attorney, practicing since 2002.  He has represented or currently represents thousands of immigrants and US businesses worldwide.

Mr. Messersmith will attempt to post regular updates to this blog on a bimonthly basis.  However, due to time constraints, updates may be less frequent.  Topics generally cover recent developments in the immigration field.

You can contact Mr. Messersmith here or by calling 305-515-0613.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. I read on your blog that you can get a Nanny an H2B Visa. I currently have an Au Pair who takes care of my three children; one of which is a Special Needs child. She would like to stay in this country for another year and I would like to sponsor her. i spoke with another attorney who told me that the H2B Visa is not viable. Can you please assist and perhaps give me a price for you assistance with this matter.

  2. I am a US Citizen and my husband holds a J1 visa that expires June 30th. He was approved for the hardship waiver based on a medical condition I have. As soon as he was approved, he became verbally abusive and left the home. We are in the process of separating. He plans to use his work to convert his visa to H1 and eventually a green card, I think, as this appears to be his only option since I will not give him the green card. My question is: can I notify immigration services that we are separating and they reverse the approval since be will not be around to care for me as he promised? Thank you for your advise for this sad situation.

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