New NIW Petition After a Recent Denial

I’m considering to hire a lawyer for green card application. I applied green card under the NIW category before, however was rejected a year ago. I’m currently under H1b visa, my position will end in a month. I havn’t found another job yet. I attatched my CV here and would like to know if my case stands a chance. Thanks!

Deciding when to file an NIW petition is very important because any denials will follow you when you make a new application. On each application, you must disclose previous denials and the adjudications officer will pull your old file to see why it was denied and you the reasons for the last denial against you. At this point, I would recommend filing a new NIW only if you are able to overcome the reason why the last application was denied. We have handled many second filings with success but we will have to carefully review your accomplishments and the previous denial decision.

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