EB1 for Physicians

EB1 for Physicians

We have successfully helped many physicians obtain self sponsored EB1A green cards.  When we take a case, we look at the overall accomplishments of the client. Some clients believe that you have to have thousands of publications or citations to obtain an EB1A approval.  The truths is none of our approved EB1A clients have thousands of publications or citations.  We have many clients who are managers, software engineers, IT managers, athletes and physicians who did not have any publications or citations.  As a physician, if you have publications or citations, we can use them.  However if you do not have any, we will help you build a case to evidence other criteria that can be used instead.  The minimum is 3/10 but let us identify ways to argue more than the minimum to give you the best chance for approval.  Our goal is to make the case strongest possible and present it the way that USCIS wants to see it.

Here are the EB1 criteria:

  • Receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence;
  • Membership in associations in the field that demand outstanding achievement of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts;
  • Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications;
  • Evidence that the alien is a judge of the work of others in the field;
  • Evidence of the alien’s original contributions of major significance to the field;
  • Authorship of scholarly articles;
  • Display of the alien’s work at artistic exhibitions or showcases;
  • Evidence the alien has performed in a leading or critical role for organizations that have a distinguished reputation;
  • Evidence that the alien commands a high salary in relation to others in the field; or
  • Evidence of commercial success in the performing arts.

You can send your CV to info@messersmithlaw.com for an evaluation or give us a call at 305 515 0613.  We’re here to help you achieve your goal.

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