EB1 Extraordinary Ability Petitions for Engineers

EB1 Extraordinary Ability Petitions for Engineers

The EB1 extraordinary ability green card allows anyone in the arts, sciences, business, education or athletics to sponsor their own green card.  No job offer or labor certification is required.  The requirements for this category are quite high but not insurmountable.  Our office has handled thousands of immigration cases and have secured many EB1 approvals for our clients.  Many people believe that the EB1 category is limited to scientists or researchers or those who have won Nobel prizes.  This is simply not the case.  We have helped many people in business fields with job titles like Subsea Intervention Engineer, Project Engineer, Computer Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer self sponsor through the EB1 category.

In order to qualify for EB1 classification, you must be able to prove you meet three out of the following ten items:

None of our clients have sufficient documentation to argue all of these elements and it is not necessary to meet all of them, only three.  We typically have enough documentation to argue 4-5 and as long as we can prove three, that is enough.  Typically engineers like Project Engineer, Computer Engineer, Industrial Engineer and other people in the engineering fields have similar types of experience and accomplishments.  Awards are rare and usually company specific and none have any artistic exhibitions or performing art success.  However, we were able to help our clients to document performance evaluations, business proposals or project management to win judge criteria.   Many projects result in economic benefits, job creation, market share increase or other specific benefits.   Engineers normally do not always have job titles that appear as if they are in leadership positions but, in fact, the actual roles and duties they perform can be shown to be leading or critical for entire divisions of major companies.  We were able to show that their role was leading or critical in their organization.  These are the most common types and if you have made accomplishments in these three areas, then you may have a good EB1 case.

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