EB2 NIW No Citation Approvals

EB2 NIW No Citation Approvals

Many potential clients who approach us with an interest in pursuing an NIW green card wrongfully believe that the NIW classification is only open to researchers or scientists and that citations are mandatory.  This is simply not the case.  For nearly 20 years, we have been handling NIW cases for researchers with low or no citation counts and others in completely different fields.  These include clients working as physicians, IT professionals, engineers, investors, small business owners, and project managers.  Below, we’ll describe a variety of different NIW cases that we’ve handled and handled successfully.  All for clients with low or no citations.

  1. Physician from Iran.  NIW green card application made during client’s fellowship

Our firm assisted an Iran national who earned a medical science degree outside of the US but completed his internship and residency in the United States.  At the time of filing, our client had made three publications which were cited a total of 7 times.  Our client had made some other accomplishments in his field, which we highlighted in the petition to USCIS, and his NIW was approved by the Texas Service Center.

  1. Project Manger with an MBA from Nigeria

Our firm assisted a Nigerian national who worked for an oil and gas company as a project manager.  He had never done any research in his professional or academic career.  No papers, no publications, no presentations, no citations.  We were able to successfully argue his case to USCIS on the basis of his work on several different oil extraction projects.  His NIW was approved by the Nebraska Service Center.

  1.  University Instructor from Romania

Our firm assisted a Romanian national who held a PhD in one of the liberal arts fields.  Our client had published her work in professional journals but had no citations.  Zero citations.  However, we were able to show USCIS that her work has made an impact in her field regardless of the fact that her work was uncited.  Her NIW was approved by the Nebraska Service Center.

  1. Small business owner and investor from Bulgaria

Our firm assisted a Bulgarian national who purchased a small business and expanded the scope of its operations.  Our client was not a scientist or researcher and had no papers or other publications let alone any citations.  We were able to demonstrate the benefits of his work based on the number of US employees he hired, the revenues and profits from his business and the benefits he provided to his US customers.  His NIW was approved by the Nebraska Service Center.

  1. Materials Engineer from Iran

Our firm assisted a Iranian national who, at the time of filing, worked as graduate teaching assistant for a US university.  He had no papers, patents, or citations but we were able to show USCIS that he was working on a potentially important medical device that could benefit Americans who suffered from a particular degenerative illness.  His NIW was approved by the Texas Service Center.

  1. Marine Engineer from India

Our firm assisted an Indian national who held an MS in Ocean Engineering and and was employed with a small US company as a marine engineer.  Our client had no papers, patents, or citations.  We were able to show that the work he had performed in his field provided a major benefit to the marine industry and USCIS agreed with our position.  His NIW was approved by the Nebraska Service Center.

  1. Math Teacher from Ghana

Our firms assisted a Ghana national who earned a master’s degree in teaching from a US University.  Although he had no papers or publications, he was able to design a teaching tool that helped his students understand new math concepts.  We were able to show that his learning tool was substantially better than others available and USCIS agreed.  His NIW was approved by the Texas Service Center.

  1. Leadership Consultant from Grenada

Our firm assisted a Grenada national who held an operational management PhD from a US university.  She had a couple published papers but no citations.  We were able to show that her work in professional conferences and book sales were sufficient to establish her eligibility for this classification.  USCIS agreed with our position and her NIW was approved by the Nebraska Service Center.

  1. Industrial Engineer from Cameroon

Our firm assisted a Cameroon national who worked for a large US hospital where she sought to create and implement new techniques and processes to increase patient access to medical care in a cost effective manner.  Her NIW was approved by the Texas Service Center.

  1. Design Engineer from Mexico

Our firm assisted a Mexican national who worked for a regional manufacturing company in the US.  Although he did not have any papers or citations, he was credited with inventing a US patent that had some useful applications.  His NIW was approved by the Texas Service Center.

If you are looking to apply for a green card through the NIW program and are worried about your chances due to low or no citations, send us a copy of your resume and we’ll see if we can help.  Contact our office to discuss your options.

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